Workshop In A Box From £20
A Gift Voucher Experiance in a box with a few inspiring hints of creativity!
Something for you to wrap up.
Please specify if you have ordered multiple vouchers, if you want them in one box.
Workshop Booking Policy
Thanks for your interest in Studi0ne!
We look forward to having you on one of our classes.
You can redeem your voucher by booking in store or over the phone.
Simply look on our website or notice board & let us know what you want to do.
The purchase of your class will be treated the same as cash or card payments & Terms & Conditions apply.
We can offer a refund for your booking for 70% of the cost of the workshop, (less 30% for administration) if your cancellation is more than 14 days in advance, After 14 days & before 7 days this will be 50%.
If you need to cancel less than 1 week before the class you will loose all your booking costs. If you book a course & miss a day this is non refundable.
With this in mind we do offer however a chance for you to book onto another date of the same class for half price. This offer is valid for 6 months form time of cancelation.
Alternatively, you could opt for a friend to go in your place, just let us know the name of your elected replacement!
If we have to cancel for any reason a full refund or workshop transfer will be made. (0 is a zero)